James Blunt, nuovo singolo “Bartender”: Video e Testo

Si intitola “Bartender” il nuovo singolo di James Blunt, che vede la straordinaria partecipazione di Ed Sheeran alla chitarra. Il brano, in rotazione radiofonica a partire da venerdì 10 marzo, anticipa l’uscita del suol nuovo album “The after love”, il quinto della sua carriera, che sarà pubblicato il prossimo 24 marzo.
All’interno del disco ci saranno dieci inediti, tra cui: “Love me better”, “Bartender”, “Lose my number”, “Don’t give me those eyes”, “Someone singing along”, “California”, “Make me better”, “Time of our lives”, “Heartbeat” e “Paradise”. James Blunt sarà protagonista nel nostro Paese con tre imperdibili concerti del suo The Afterlove Tour, in programma al Palalottomatica di Roma il 12 novembre, al Nelson Mandela Forum di Firenze il 13 novembre ed, infine, al Mediolanum Forum di Assago a Milano 14 novembre. Info e biglietti su ticketone.it.
Bartender | Video
Bartender | Testo
It’s a little after midnight
there’s a couple in the corner
and I wonder what he said because she’s crying
And I guess they won’t remember
When they wake up in the morning
When they’re heading from the wiskey and the wine
I know that I have said things I regret when I’m sober
Cause we always hurt the ones we love the most
I messed up and I know it if I hurt you girl I’m sorry
But it’s good to see the girl I used to know (bartender)
We can dance but I can’t dance
Maybe we can stick to holding hands
Or should we raise a glass
And forget the past
If we keep up on drinkin’ we gonna fall back in love.
So fill it up, fill it up.
We must not be thinking ’cause we can get in love.
So fill it up, fill it up
Bartender can you pour some looove, bartender can you pour some love
We can talk about feature, we don’t wanna reminisce.
Because we both know it was me who got it wrong.
F*ck is good to see you, look awsome and I miss you baby, listen on playing our song
We can dance, but I can’t dance.
We can stick on hoding hands.
And raise a glass and forget the past
If we keep up on drinkin’ we gonna fall back in love.
So fill it up, fill it up.
We must not be thinking ’cause we can get in love.
So fill it up, fill it up.
Bartender can you pour some looove, bartender can you pour some love
And it’s closing time
Back to yours or mine
After all this time you still blow my mind
And it’s closing time,
Back to yours or mine.
After all this time, after all this time
If we keep up on drinkin’ we gonna fall back in love.
So fill it up, fill it up.
We must not be thinking ’cause we can get in love.
So fill it up, fill it up.
Bartender can you pour some looove, bartender can you pour some loveee.