Train, nuovo singolo “Play that song”: Audio e Testo

Si intitola Play that song il nuovo singolo dei Train, gruppo musicale californiano attivo musicalmente da oltre vent’anni e vincitore di ben tre Grammy Award. Il brano, in rotazione radiofonica da Venerdì 14 ottobre, anticipa l’uscita dell’ottavo album in studio della band “A girl, a bottle, a boat“, prevista per l’inizio del prossimo anno, e arriva a due anni di distanza dal precedente lavoro “Bulletproof Picasso“.
Il pezzo, molto scanzonato ed immediato, rappresenta la stessa chiave di lettura con la quale il gruppo ha messo in piedi le precedenti produzioni, con la melodia che richiama Heart and soul, una canzone popolare americana del 1938. Nel testo, il frontman Patrick Monahan, chiede insistentemente ad un DJ di passare il brano preferito, sia suo che dalla sua amata. La particolarità dei Train è stata fondamentalmente sempre questa: la capacità di passare da brani come Drops of Jupiter e Calling all angels ad atmosfere decisamente più soft, come in Hey, soul sister, Drive by e 50 ways to say goodbye.
Play that song
the one that makes me go all night long
the one that makes me think of you
that’s all you gotta do
Hey mister DJ when you gonna spin it
my baby’s favorite record
she been waiting for a minute
she invited all her friends
and I’m buying all the rounds
and they’re all dolled up
DJ please don’t let me down
when you gonna play that song? now
when you gonna earn that pay?
when you gonna play that song?
and make my day
she said
Play that song
the one that makes me go all night long
the one that makes me think of you
that’s all you gotta do
hey, play that song
the one the makes me stay out till dawn
the one that makes me go oo
that’s all you gotta do
Hey Mr. guitar
when you gonna strum it
my girl just heard this song
and you should play it cause she loves it
can you get me off the hook?
get them fingers picking now
I’ll throw some money in your cup
mister please don’t let me down
when you gonna play that song?
why you gotta hesitate?
when you gonna play that song?
and make my day
she said
Play that song
the one that makes me go all night long
the one that makes me think of you
that’s all you gotta do
hey, play that song
the one the makes me stay out till dawn
the one that makes me go oo
that’s all you gotta do
wait till you see my baby moo-oo-oove
moo-oo-oove moo-oo-oove
moo-oo-oove wait till you see my baby moo-oo-oove
moo-oo-oove moo-oo-oove
moo-oo-oove oh come on now
Play that song
the one that makes me go all night long
the one that makes me think of you
that’s all you gotta do
hey, play that song
the one the makes her stay out till dawn
the one that makes her go oo
that’s all you gotta do
oo oo oo oo
oo oo oo oo