Urban Strangers, “Stronger”: Video e Testo del nuovo singolo

Tempo di nuova musica per Alessio Iodice e Gennaro Raia, meglio noti con lo pseudonimo di Urban Strangers, che hanno lanciato il loro nuovo singolo intitolato “Stronger”. Vi proponiamo di seguito il testo ed il video ufficiale della canzone, diretto dal regista Alessandro Murdaca.
Il brano, in rotazione radiofonica dal 13 marzo, rappresenta il secondo estratto dal loro album di debutto “Detachment”, rilasciato lo scorso ottobre, e segue il successo della precedente hit “Bones”. Per i due giovanissimi artisti, secondi classificati alla decima edizione italiana di XFactor alle spalle di Giò Sada, si tratta di un pezzo molto intimo ed introspettivo.
“Stronger affronta la tematica della solitudine – hanno raccontato gli Urban Strangers – presente un po’ in tutto l’album. Nell’inciso è accentuata la voglia di affrontare questo stato d’animo a differenza delle strofe e della variazione, caratterizzate invece dalla disillusione, presente sia nel testo che nella melodia”.
New pleased me off the vibes
Place them vivid in your eyes, cure
Bare different talkin’ eyes
Bye, still walkin’ in the fog
Like the foolest of ’em all
I’m feelin’ more
More, more insicure
Where is the end, that I could mean strong?
The hand that caressed me slow
And there’s no more the light
Calm’s on, the morning’s coming and the base goes on
You stopped watchin’ me, you’re scared
And I’m stronger than you already know
You try to hurt me, you fail
And I’m stronger than you already know
You try to hurt me, you fail
And I’m stronger than you already know
You stopped watchin’ me, you’re scared
And I’m stronger than you already, ‘ready, ‘ready, ‘ready…
The end, that breeze free
Does it looks more like the hand that fits my dreams
I never thought that I could control my feels
But where is the key in the prison that seems to be the similar where I was locked in
There’s more than a melody
Pour your soul in a glass remedy
I know you’re gonna swallow every piece of your questions
Don’t be your enemy
Don’t raise the feet from the ground
I’m lookin’ around
Should I smash the glass?
Bleeding is like a blessing!
You stopped watchin’ me, you’re scared
And I’m stronger than you already know
You try to hurt me, you fail
And I’m stronger than you already know
You try to hurt me, your fail
And I’m stronger than you already know
You stopped watchin’ me, you’re scared
And I’m stronger than you already, ‘ready, ‘ready, ‘ready, ‘ready…
How can you say that you know me?
And tryin’ to find the remedy, I
How can you say that you know me?
And tryin’ to find the remedy to put an end to all this
How can you say that you know me?
And tryin’ to find the remedy to put an end to all this
How can you say that you know me?
And tryin’ to find the remedy to put an end to all this
You stopped watchin’ me, you’re scared
And I’m stronger than you already know
You try to hurt me, you fail
And I’m stronger than you already know
You stopped, watchin’ me, you’re scared
And I’m stronger than you already know
You try to hurt me, you fail
And I’m stronger than you already know
You try to hurt me, you fail
And I’m stronger than you already know
You stopped watchin’ me, you’re scared
And I’m stronger than you already
‘Ready, ‘ready, ‘ready, ‘ready
‘Ready know
‘Ready, ‘ready, ‘ready, ‘ready
‘Ready know